
1587 the citizens of roanoke island in North Carolina, we're told by John

White be appointed governor of the colony that he would be leaving for supplies in England and would return shortly however after being caught in the crossfire of the naval wars between England and Spain whites return was delayed until 1590 when white returned to the colony every settler including his wife and daughter had disappeared without a trace over 100 colonists vanished into thin air with the only

possible clue being the word coat lol having been edged into a nearby tree to this day scientists and historians are still unsure of what happened to the settlers of the Lost Colony of Roanoke artist Richard Serra was a world-class statue maker whose 42 ton or ninety-two-thousand-pound by foot wide scope sure the equal parallel

Benghazi randomly went missing after being locked away in storage in 1998 the massive cumbersome structure was too heavy and awkward for anyone to pick up and move without the use of heavy machinery which makes the mystery all the more puzzling after the museum said renovation the art piece was sent away to a storage facility where it would wait until a new wing was created for its immense size 15 years later the museum's new directors sought to bring

the peace back as the main attraction only to discover it had somehow banished inside the walls of the storage facility with no paper trail to illuminate where it might have gone even though Sarah would go on to make a new version for the museum the old sculpture was never found in December of 1872 a British vessels spotted a large ship a thousand miles from the coast of Portugal upon investigation the ship turned out to be

that of the Mary Celeste which had departed from New York just days earlier to voyage to Italy the ship's crew and estimation of 10 or more people had completely vanished having left all their belongings in their cabins and no clues as to why they abandon the boat captains last log entry had come eleven days earlier and mentioned no trouble and there are enough food supplies on the boat to last them six months while one of the lifeboats was missing it was

deemed peculiar but the crew would leave without taking any supplies with them especially in the case of an emergency none of the crew was never heard from again in December 1945 5 TBM Avenger profit driven torpedo bombers left a naval airstrip near Fort Lauderdale Florida for a two-hour flight exercise meant for training, however, an hour and a half after takeoff confusion erupted in the cockpit of the pilots as they

alerted their control towers they had lost their immediate positions after losing contact and not returning for a number of hours a fleet of ships and aircraft skin the ocean waters for possible debris from the fallen aircraft one of the largest military searches in history nothing was ever found from team flight and their disappearance only gave way to further rumors that they had been lost

in the mysterious and deadly Bermuda Triangle which has now become notorious for downing a number of play and sinking numerous ships


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