lack personality because they're always shot from the same perspective are you bored of carbon copy southeast now you can take photography and videography to new heights literally meet birdie 30 he's an aerodynamically shaped case for popular action camps like to go pro you seem to be answered your device and tough birdie into the air we wanted to
create something that would allow photographers to explore new points of view in an affordable and simple way using birdie feels like a game of catch sprinkle of Engineering and the concepts behind Shutterstock abatements ball we have achieved what we expect once birdie reaches maximum altitude it will set a start of fall with a camera facing downwards
it was something photos are canted capturing authentic in the moment expressions 30 has been specially engineered to protect your action campaign damage we completed the sign and made it to me we are only handle cover man and a young team of Uruguayan engineers and now we need the final push to go into production together let's make birdie
fly around the globe support our campaign tell your friends about it powerful attached to your own shoelaces making your shoes very easy to put on shoes i mean nothing to get in the way when separated from its eliminate three rows of places so there is a huge amount of money just connect the magnets and that's it
hold securely but you better not just for athletic sneakers therefore your everyday casual shoes you have a clean looking shoe bows and they'll never come undone how do you really want to take your shoes off let's face it most of us do what we are not supposed to do and squeezed out of our shoes wears down
he'll leave you with the not anti later becomes the right way to do it magnets for the next time limits are not ordinary they've been specially engineered to concentrate the magnetic forces bases this gives them incredible holding forces in a small size there's almost no negatives on the outside of this new bits where you don't want it
outdoors wear them loose at home around the office we will provide some clips to help secure life a little extra and you can adjust the fit any kind actually born out of a desire to help help kids get their shoes along the way we discovered everybody like this adult even the elder
this is that you could you bear bear is a desktop hydroponics greenhouse designed to improve your quality of life it had healthy air smart light there be thriving greenery and beauty to any space most houseplants don't thrive indoors the EQ bear is the best solution for indoor gardening because it provides the perfect environment for plants to grow the plants thrive by observing only as much nutrients and water with Evan flow hydroponic technology and uses
ninety percent less water the beautiful integrated LED lighting system provides the perfect spectrum colors to support optimal plan how the cover greenhouse maintains humidity and for abundant we use an ass inspired plan medium to maximize root growth without message for a drain spout for easy water change to integrated fans circulate air and feed co2 to the plane's enhancing figma morphogenesis for super healthy stands and improved air quality the air you
breathe may be filled mold chemicals and dangerous toxins are airflow system utilizes a three-step filtration process first the air enters the rebel like mechanical filter that removes dust pollen and mold next the activated carbon filter removes harmful chemicals finally the plant filters in oxygen in the air before being circulated back into your room it also includes a humidified the smart LED light also simulates cycle of the
Sun sunlight dictates your circadian rhythm which tells you went to sleep and went to be awake with increased exposure to computer tablet and phone screens today our circadian rhythms have been completely thrown off you can use the air to influence your own biological clock with the phone at this helps you wake up feeling refreshed alleviates insomnia improves productivity helps overcome jet lag and helps prevent seasonal depression
air combines form with function the cost of individual products adds up in money space and time one bear solves all these needs at a fraction of the cost ATI's mission is to improve people's lives by designing the most beautiful low-maintenance desktop ecosystems ever back this project now and get yours today at a discount share with friends and family this is the future of living space that works
for you let's bring nature back into our lives and blur the line between outdoors and endorse air transform your living space what is the catch the case but is an awesome duties have robotics with both easy to use software and very ragged it was designed to give you complete creative freedom to build
whatever robotic application you have in mind so whether you want to build a solid GoPro camera rig or a small pond control vacuum cleaner caged ball is the perfect choice for you the cable team consists of professional German developers based in Berlin and Taipei we were frustrated with the solutions on the market so now we want to create it to everyone
super stable and our control after all the necessary now we need your support to stop production and make this a reality so spread the word and help us to improve the DIY sector is this great product help us to make caged bird a success so be part of it because case but growth was your ideas
everyone enjoys listening to music unfortunately it's really frustrating being acted the real problem lies in the army had bones were uncomfortable and fearful always so I made these these are devils they're easily and quickly molded exactly this way they will never hurt and never fall out decibels are perfect for any activity yet comfortable enough to warrant for hours while traveling and relaxing and secure enough that they will stay in
place while being active they can even keep up during extreme activities here's how they work keep the molds in a cup of water in the microwave on their homes and shape the mold skiers the neat thing about our custom wheels they stay pliable is slightly above room temperature for a few minutes allowing them to be placed into the ears and molded you can get customers but unfortunately the process is really expensive really uncomfortable and
time-consuming so I made decibels to be easy and affordable but we didn't stop there we knew that we had a great product that people love and we want to make it even better be combined the knowledge and experience in launching the first generation with the customer feedback we've collected over the past year we are now ready to launch this next generation of dozens have already
designed prototype and tested this new model it takes everything great about the first generation of decimals goes even the second generation features an even better custom electrical system I have combined our unique molding material with a specially selected this helpful I'm the earphone in the year now and create comfortable noise isolating seal the morning material also create a second seal for better sound and greater
noise isolation I design the new earphones to have very low profile so that they can be easily used with hats and help we've also improve the sound quality of their phones we put a lot of time and research into sound engineering with the new design to offer powerful base and Chris will sell your phones we'll also have a flat tangle-free cable and a universal in-line remote with microphone for u