
yeah being a gun owner is not just buying a gun you must always be prepared you have to be trained you are your gun see when it's not on you

you want to know it's secure and accessible safes are not always accessible or easy to open especially in the dark and locks are a nuisance da braid as for smart guns are smart guns are a dangerous concept taking an unreliable technology and embedding it into your gun is not a smart decision our mission is to bring you the perfect solution introducing sorex the new generation of gun store your ex's caliber specific

has two modes first mode is awareness if someone tries to tamper with your gun you're immediately alerted and when you need your gun charging it will eject saw Rex and chamber of fresh round the second mode is when your gun is locked when door is locked no one can charge your gun if someone tries to charge your gun the locking mechanism will immediately expand preventing the gun from being

loaded special polymers in the locking mechanism prevent any damage to the barrel zuhr has developed a revolutionary unlocking mechanism rapid dial rapid dial is a simple mechanism which counts clicks while you turn it you don't need to start from a specific point even the direction that you turn the lock doesn't matter

these two factors allow you to unlock your weapon without looking at it even in the dark you can choose a simple code or any length code you wish you won't believe how fast and simple it is until you try it you can also open zorax from your phone but you can only lock it by physically pressing the lock button
sorex normally communicates with your phone directly through bluetooth it also comes with a sore bridge bluetooth to Wi-Fi router when plugged into the wall near your gun you'll be made aware from anywhere in the world if your gun is being tampered with now if your home is your safe and you don't lock your gun

but you still want alerts we have a solution is our watchdog the door watchdog is not a lock but rather a notification device its sole purpose is to notify you if your weapon is tampered with you saw Rex was invented by veterans of elite IDF technological in combat units worked on it for two years bringing it to perfection Lorax allows you to be ready aware and safe

more than ever before join the revolution own your gun honey is this a gramophone if not what else can it be how oh maybe a projector or even a home theater with boundless edge meet the XG me

z for Aurora the world's first smart heater it is able to turn your wall into a theater in seconds and deliver you and ultimate home theater just plug it in connected to your Wi-Fi and you'll be able to stream your favorite shows from netflix hulu and any other Android supported services with up to 300 inches giant screen and 700 ANS I lumens the Aurora supports 1080p and 4k

picture quality output so it's compatible with the latest game systems airplay and android apps the Aurora also has built-in customized harman kardon crystal stereo you'll get high-quality sound and incredible listening experience no oh yeah

the sea for Aurora and also project in 3d with this function you'll see incredible images leaving out of your wall we adopted is our ultra already in relation which mixes a picture writer and the clearer in screen up to 300 inches we also use high-capacity precisely to support a variety of functions likes my hand gesture control 3d movies commercials

lollies pictures radish and the kiss tone correction there's not always a perfect place for your projector so we built the Aurora with keystone correction software you can get a straight on image even if you're projecting from any angle most of ask you to work for traditional to accompany with low that the wire screen innovations in the market are too heavy and too expensive so we went to

produce a simple smart and our football widescreen TV which is this man after two years of developing and more than I draw the temple of 15 we're family make out of the day for Aurora we have already let's say with not asking free back because that more people and John asked changing the way we watch and things and the you have a part of our team project

what are you our imagination yeah yeah mmm yeah yeah

a couple years ago we set out to build a family of affordable yet high quality smart weather station and we've done it our weather stations are simple to install require almost no maintenance and automatically connect with your smart phone your smart home and the internet they're better than other stations sold it twice or three times the price

finally you can have useful weather information from your own backyard this is err err measures temperature atmospheric pressure and relative humidity and air does something else special it detects lightning it will not only alert you when lightning strikes but it will estimate the strength and distance of the storm up to 25 miles away and it will tell you how fast the storm is approaching

just set it outside in the shade air has a battery that lasts years and it connects wirelessly to your smartphone tablet or home network you don't have to think about it when there's something you need to know it will alert you you can also view your data anytime through our smart weather app as well as other popular weather apps like weather underground and this is sky sky measure

sunlight solar radiation including UV in it also does to really cool thing it measures rain and wind with no moving parts unlike old-school tipping bucket that can break or filled with things other than rain sky senses each individual raindrop using an innovative haptic rain sensor it can alert you the instant it starts to rain

tell you how hard it's raining and how much it rained yesterday or last week sky also measures wind speed and direction using an array of sonic transducers this sonic anemometer is better in many ways and traditional spinning cups and usually only available in much more expensive systems like air sky comes with a long life battery and is completely wireless also like air sky is simple to install just find a spot with a clear view of

the sky both sky and air work with all the popular smart home platforms you can do all those nifty smart home things like reminding you to put on sunscreen when the UV index is high delaying your sprinklers when it rains optimizing your air conditioning system to save money

turning on your lights when the sun goes down or closing the garage door when the wind kicks up if you've made it this far congratulations you're a certified weather geek just like all of us at whether we're on indiegogo now because we want you to be the first to get your hands on one of our new weather stations and because we

need your feedback as we finalize production details on the hardware and in the app there's still time to make changes ask us questions what did we do right what could be better please take a look at our perks share this page with your friends weather geek or other ones we want these to be the best home weather stations in the world because we want you to have better weather day

please help us do that thank you we love coffee it's part of our lives one of the best ways to bring out a more full flavored brew with a deeper sweetness in a therapy body is with the traditional french press but it's time for an upgrade introducing simply press a revolutionary redesign of the french press clean

delicious no mess hi I'm Jenny Morris all right I'm Scott Ward it's going to bring the french press into the 21st century into the third wave of coffee well it all started with a mess my fresh pressed would sit on the counter for days

not wanting to clean it out and also what I did clean it out it would get all over the counter and also want to try to get every ground out of the actual carafe it broke on me if we didn't grind the beans course enough the grid would get through our french press into our club and into our mouths not a pleasant experience at all

for the team features as simply press is in this very innovative stainless steel micro HW filter it's actually inspired by an espresso filter which allows you to use fine medium and coarse grounds we worked with a renowned coffee sciences and after testing we found that we extracted forty percent more from the coffee which means more flavor more

caffeine stronger coffee and a shorter brewing time is like choosing your grind size you can actually tailor your brew according to your taste and your rose this allows you to truly personalized your coffee experience we chose the highest quality non-chemical teaching materials stainless steel silicon and borosilicate pyrex glass I've been working on simply press for over two years now

we had our first prototype over a year ago and we are now under three prototype once we had our first working prototype we traveled to coffee events in New York for it land LA and Atlanta to get input from coffee professionals and coffee lovers one of our highlights was winning a new product award of Portland coffee fest coffee lovers mentioned the richness and the smoothness of the brew and

comparison to a French press they talk about the notes and clarity they are able to taste with simply press that they just couldn't get with a French press it's a nice full body cup but all the sweetness and bridle distinction came through is very similar to to be content of what the Russians want from it very similar and

a nice be 60 of comparatively i would buy one of those in a few feet over a french press that I drink french presses every day we're ready the factory is ready all we need now is the kickstarter project as soon as we get the kickstarter-funded we will immediately start producing the simply press and should be shipping it to backers this fall

please check out the reward section of the kickstarter page and pass it along to your friends and family because simply press needs to be in every coffee lovers home thanks for helping us make simply press happen simply press clean delicious no mess your new favorite

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