
a woman who worked as a maid to a rich family in the early nineteen hundred's

soon began having strange and horrifying dreams about her most recent purchase the most expensive sweet on a passenger voyage to the united states the visions were so haunting and severe that the woman canceled her trip and refused to go on board losing the money she had been saving to travel in contrast major Archibald Willingham but also experienced premonitions about the disaster of a

trip but decided to go anyway after changing his will to manage the possibility he would not return both of them had bought tickets to board the Titanic winner Reeva Steenkamp was only 14 years old she felt compelled to paint a picture she could not fully explain in the painting and Angel stands at the bottom of the ladder going up into the sky while in the distance a mysterious figure approaches with a gun the angel cups her hands to her

mouth in fear years later Reeva Steenkamp would go on to become the girlfriend of Paralympian Oscar Pistorius who would murder her with a gun on Valentine's Day 2013 and be the center of a media circus and notoriously court case in the coming months in 1970 David Booth had recurring nightmares of a deadly plane crash for over a week in his dream the large passenger sides jet flipped over on the

runway and burst into flames booth became so troubled by these dreams he eventually informed the FAA about them and surprisingly found listening ears the FAA concluded that the plane in booths dreams was likely a Boeing 727 plane or a DC-ten, however, there was nothing more they could do on the final day of booths nightmares flight 191 experienced a horrific plane crashed after takeoff flipping over after one of the engines broke lose nearly 300

 passengers died on board as the plane was a D-CK 10 one of the largest at the airline a young boy named Logan dryer quickly developed a number of panic attacks while attending his school a happening that frightened other students teachers and the boys mother despite all attempts to calm him dryer would repeatedly act out and scream in class that he didn't feel as though the school was safe

eventually dryers mother transferred him out of the school and its panic attack subsided except when he was visited by friends from that school only two weeks later a gunman entered drivers school of Sandy Hook elementarily and took the lives of many students and teachers 28th in total to be precise including himself and his own mother that morning while Logan sudden panic attacks were looked at by school officials as a random happenstance dryers mother claims he

received the powers of his late grandmother who was a psychic Wall Street executive Barrett Taylor considered himself a hard-working man who was not superstitious in the least still he often chose to go with his God when he was unsure of a certain predicament are feeling just as he did one morning in 1993 as Naylor Road the train to work at the World Trade Center he suddenly got an uneasy feeling and

decided to return home that very same morning bombs went off in the bottom of the Twin Towers FlashForward almost a decade later and Naylor suddenly gets another strange gut feeling about going to work he decides to stay home this time missing and surviving the devastating terrorist attacks of September 11th 2

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