boring that the cameras turn away from the injured player the largest lost 1.5 liters of blood and it took doctors a total of three hundred stitches to close the six-inch in 1977 when Lakers power forward Kermit Washington punched Houston Rockets forward rudy time John of age the game of basketball was never the same back in those days being physical was just a part of the game roughing up an opposing player was often overlooked by Rex during the game there
was a scuffle between two players on opposing teams time Djokovic ran up right behind Washington who turned around to deliver a nearly fatal right-hand punch to tum jano bitches face but hit knocked him to the floor leaving him in a pool of blood Rudy suffered a dislocated skoal with spinal fluid leaking into his mouth famous laker Kareem abdul-jabbar said they hit sounded like a melon being
dropped onto concrete this event has been described as the punch that changed professional basketball because since then the NBA has established much stricter regulations in the filing system in 2013 University of Louisville basketball player Kevin ware landed awkwardly after attempting to block a three-point shot as he came down his leg bent the wrong way and totally snapped he suffered a compound fracture to his
right leg which left the bone protruding several inches out of his shin players on the bench all shuddered at the site of the injury while some others were unable to watch while lying on the floor of the court where repeatedly said I'm fine just win the game he was then carried off on a stretcher and taken to a nearby hospital miraculously his team went on to win not only the quarterfinals but also the ANC double A championship where kevin was allowed the
honor of cutting the net from the who because of an kwan baldwin's determination and tenacity he has been described as one of the toughest football players of all time during the final seconds of a 2008 game against the New York Jets and Quan went up to catch a pass from Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner as the ball firmly entered his grasp he was hit from the back propelling his head forward into an opponent's helmet the impact knocked him
out cold and left him with severe injuries to the face and chin he had surgery for a fractured sinus membrane which required seven plates and 40 screws to fix after missing only two games and Quan return to the field and shot the stadium by catching two touchdown passes getting hit in the face with a baseball going an average of one hundred miles per hour can be fatal
former Red Sox pitcher Bryce Lori can attest to this first hand in September of 2004 he sustained multiple injuries after getting hit with a line drive straight to his face he wasn't able to get his made up in time as the baseball smashed into his cheekbone he instantly fell to the ground writhing in pain blood gushing from his cheek and right eye when he set up you look stunned as he spit blood from his mouth that was rushing in from his sinuses Lori
suffered a fractured cheekbone fractured orbital socket and a damaged ready after facial reconstruction surgery it only took a couple of months for him to regain full eyesight unfortunately he was unable to perform at his previous ability and was cut from the team following year it was the hit that ended his professional career there's no doubt about it soccer is one of the most dangerous sporting event on the planet when
players are running at each other at full speed the odds of injury are at an all-time high one of the wildest injuries happened in 1981 when Avon cleanin suffered a huge laceration from an opposing team member as the two men collided leanest I was slit open resulting in a deep wound up about 10 inches but cut was so deep that fans could see the bone exposed through the muscle tissue although a gas like
this should cause a player to shutter an extreme agony lean and was overcome with anger about the incident struggling to stand he got up to vent his frustrations at the other teams coach he rushed over and started screaming at the team manager blaming him for instigating the south by encouraging his players to be overly aggressive after twenty three stitches and two weeks of recovery leaning was
back in action on the field the Ultimate Fighting Championship has been plagued with injuries needs ribs and notice had been broken more times than one can count just ask middleweight champion Anderson Silva in the 2013 championship bout against Chris Weidman silver goes up for a chick so hard that he breaks his own fibula and tibia silva's foot wrapped around the back of white man's leg like a string of
play-doh his face irradiated with pain as he clutched his leg this ended the fight via TKO immediately after the fight ahead orthopedic surgery that inserted a metal rod inside his bone a statement from the UFC describe the surgery as successful despite public outcry for him to retire he returned to the sport since then he has tested positive for banned substances and is currently suspended from fighting in the organization downhill skiing is one of
the most dangerous sports in the world and sometimes fatal professional skiers put their lives on the line every time they make their way down the slopes Austrian retired alpine skier Matias lands in her nose this from experience in a 2008 World Cup Super G run he loses his footing coming over a hill and crashes into one of the gates after hitting the ground at a high rate of speed he becomes unconscious his lifeless body tumbled down the slow
twisting in spiraling until he slides into a boundary says the accident all but destroyed his leg as he was airlifted to a hospital due to inadequate circulation below the need his leg was subsequently amputated