while he hasn't gotten the amount of press other candidates having 2016

approached by a number of lawyers and volunteers hoping to represent him and get him noticed for the spot in the oval office though this isn't the first time in animal has taken his seat in office first such the case and Talkeetna Alaska where a cat named Stubbs has been the honorary mayor since July 1997 famous satire is and now late night TV show host Stephen Colbert is presidential campaign of 2008 is still up for debate in its legitimacy Colbert who attempted
to run as a Democrat in his home state of South Carolina was not allowed on the ballot by the South Carolina Democratic Party Executive Council and was thus forced to end his campaign in November of 2007 while Colbert was reportedly very serious about running he has not talked at length about his campaign since and it should be noted that the harrowing Press schedule necessary for tourism speeches would have required his popular television show The Colbert
Report to be temporarily taken off the air and had he won the show would not have been able to return until after his stint as president in 2000 the frontman for band The Dead Kennedys Jello Biafra decided to make a serious run for President of the United States with a running mate that seemed too bizarre to believe he's elected media Abu-Jamal as his potential vice president a man who had previously been convicted of killing a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981
and was sentenced to die the offer would eventually lose his nomination to ralph Nader in a landslide defeat that granted him 10 delegate votes to neighbors 295 his running mate Abu-Jamal was eventually stripped of his death sentence and given life in prison where he still remains to this day performance artist Fuhrman so brain caused a stir in 2012 when he was running as a Democrat and made radical and strange promises to the american
public if allowed a chance to act as president his most famous stands was that he would issue a pony to every American citizen instituting a new right that all your citizens should granted a small horse even against they're will supreme called his new version of America a pony based economy he also wishes to push zombie education in schools and had a desire to implement Zombie
Survival plans in case of an imminent apocalypse supreme touted himself a friendly fascist and also challenged candidate Ron Paul to have a panty wrestling match with then President Obama to decide who really deserve the seat in the Oval Office Jonathon Sharkey lighten political background he made up for in sheer absurdity the candidate in the 2012 election made arguably the strangest
lifestyle choices of any of the other candidates identifying as a vampire and wishing to be told the Impaler while his republican platform was notoriously hard to nail down he believed his lineage would be enough to secure votes he claimed to be a descendant of the famous of Vlad the Impaler and regularly boast that he has not dated a woman over the age of 19 for almost ten years he was also interested in the movie business
stating a desire to turn his campaign into a feature film once the election was over as of this time his film tentatively titled the true Impaler has not been made or released in the nineteen sixties and seventies a man named Gabriel green repeatedly ran for president against both Richard Nixon and John F Kennedy with a carefully calculated and impassioned political platform greens biggest strike against
him was his obsession with UFOs having claimed to have studied them and have direct communication with extraterrestrials he said his campaign was directly informed by individuals who lived on Venus and Mars and that these aliens knew the plight of humankind and had selected him as the perfect candidate green spoke in rallies all along the southern coast of California before
finally excusing himself from the presidential race and endorsed John F Kennedy