
sugar gliders are adorable marsupials from the southeastern quadrant that are

members of the kangaroo family with an average life span of 13 years and strutting about at the small size of seven inches these tiny animals glide through the air with ease and have become a favorite exotic pet due to their amiable nature with human beings it is preferred that a pet owner get more than one however as they are exceptionally social and crave constant attention and considering that they're nocturnal animals they'll want company

as they fly through your house at night while you sleep the somewhat awkward looking capybara is native to South Africa and averages a life span of nine years with a general weight of 150 pounds many pet owners have taken to them over the ordinary dog mostly for the animals almost dog like qualities Kappa borrows love attention and are brilliant and social animals as well as having an intense fascination with water making them exceptional

swimmers having one means having some sort of pool Acres Stream nearby because that is likely where the creature will choose to sleep like sugar gliders pet owners are encouraged to purchase more than one at a time because of their extremely social nature the large feared fennec fox has become an internet favorite over the past few years and they can generally be purchased for around $1500 natives of northern Africa these animals have been marketed as the

perfect hybrid of cat and dog with the visual aesthetic of canines and the relaxed nature of felines they are also incredibly social animals and since their breeding have become fairly used to human interaction making them excellent pets they live around fourteen years making them great companions for young children though they're not journal Nature might not be perfect for everyone

the playful and lovable kinkajou also sometimes called the honey bear has recently become a favorite among exotic pet collectors for their long lifespans of nearly 25 years and they're generally happy demeanor their noted for being exceptionally affectionate and somewhat timid but will set you back around $2,000 at the time of purchase they come from the central and southern parts of Africa and look a bit like

miniature bears despite being part of the raccoon family the majestic serve all jazz weighs in at a whopping forty pounds and stands at nearly two feet tall making pet owners who wish they had a dog size Kat rejoice but service can be a lot to handle needing lots of room and space to stretch their legs which are usually running at top speeds falls are the fastest cats inferior only to cheat us and they're hunting

abilities are off the charts they still possess the ability to purge sherba me out though despite their ability to bring down impressive pray many adopt survives as babies so they can monitor and adjust their temperament as they grow up seeing as how they can live almost 20 years these incredible animals are a real investment Wallabies known by many as mediator kangaroos are becoming more and more normal pets in the United States despite the excessive living

environments they require they grow up to around 40 inches tall and weigh in and around fifty pounds but call for a large amount of roaming space and append to be kept in with surrounding walls of 5 feet or more while these are also known to be slightly dangerous as their strong legs can be known to kick back at enemies as well as provide some incredible aerial Heights their general temperament though is common kind even though some can be regarded as

mischievous squirrel monkeys have become one of the Internet's most adorable sensations and are becoming a pet collectors favorite animal weighing in at just two pounds these sensationally intelligent lovable primates crave constant attention and will cost a hefty $8,000 for a baby while wonderful pets for humans they do have the unsightly feature of constantly urinating on themselves and other things in order to mark their territory but that hasn't

stopped pet owners from racing out and purchasing a few of them for good company

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